Ilhem Allagui, Ph.D
Marketing Communications
Cultural industries
The Arab world. MENA Studies
Northwestern University in Qatar
An inside story of local, regional and global advertising in the Middle East. Grounded in empirical research and theories, Advertising in MENA Goes Digital explores the evolution of advertising practices, audiences, digital media and communication technologies in increasingly complex MENA environments.
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Recent & Upcoming Conference Presentations
June 2019 Media Educators Summit (Cannes Creativity Festival, Cannes)
July 2019 Visual performance of nationalism (IAMCR, Madrid)
July 2019 The chaotic marketing of the
FYRE Festival: Audiences and influencers (IAMCR, Madrid)
August 2019 Media Use in the Middle East (AEJMC, Toronto)
October, 2019 Advertising & media innovation (IMMAA, Qatar)
June 2018 Innovation in legacy media institutions (EMMA, Warsaw)
May 2018 El Jaida. The spark of the Tunisian women rights movement (Pre-ICA, Prague)
November 2017 & June 2017 Branded content conference (Branded content network, London)
June 2016 PR and social influence. Cases from the MENA region. (Tokyo, Pre-ICA.)
October 2016 Media start-ups and entrepreneurship: The prospect of new business in MENA. (IMMA, Seoul)
Sep 2015 Start-ups in the Middle East. Practices and business models. (Singapore, MEI)
Selected Academic Publications
2022. The Dynamics of Advertising in MENA: An Empirical Model. In Khalil, J., Guaaybess, T., Khiabany, G. and Yasil, B. (Edits.). The Handbook on Media and Culture in the Middle East. Oxford, UK: Wiley.
2021. Tracing Cultural Relations through the COVID-19 Crisis. Arab Media & Society. Issue 32.
2021. Baladna Going Global. Case Study. Journal of Advertising Education.
2021. Innovation in Legacy Media Institutions: the Case of the Al Jazeera Media Network. Journal of Creative Industries, 6, 36-55.
2018 From Women Empowerment to Nation Branding: A Case Study from the United Arab Emirates.
(International Journal of Communication)
2017 Internet in the Middle East: an asymmetrical model of development (Journal of Internet Histories. Taylor & Francis)
2017 Big Data in the MENA Region: The Next Path Towards Socio-economic and Cultural Development (CyberOrient)
2017 The Changing Nature of Socialization among Arab Youth. Insights from Online Practices. (In Digital Middle East. State and Society in the Information Age)
2016 Digital Media and Socio-Political Change in the Arab region. (In Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories)
2015 Wikipedia Arabe et la Construction Collective du Savoir. (In Wikipedia, Objet scientifique non identifié)
The Emirates Internet Project (EIP) is a longitudinal survey that studies Internet adoption and usage patterns. I joined the World Internet Project network (USC) in 2007, and launched the Emirates Internet Project (2007-2014) that was awarded the National Research Foundation grant (UAE) in 2009.
Four research reports were published:
-EIP 2014 with Ipsos UAE.